This is a specialization course that prompts a Programming (Java) National Certificate Level III (NC III). It examines six (6) fundamental abilities, two (2) regular capabilities, and two (2) center skills that a Grade 11 Technical-Vocational Education (TVE) understudy should have. The fundamental abilities are for students to: 1) lead work environment correspondence, 2) lead little groups, 3) create and practice arrangement aptitudes, 4) take care of issues identified with work exercises, 5) utilize numerical ideas and systems, and 6) utilize applicable innovations. The normal skills are for students to: 1) apply quality guidelines and 2) perform PC activities. The center capabilities are for students to: 1) perform object-situated investigation and plan in Java innovation, and 2) make and finetune Java innovation applications utilizing object-arranged programming idea.
How to Use?
1. Open
2. Open AMALEAKS Source below
3. Go to blended and copy a question (Ctrl+C)
4. Go back to the source and press Ctrl+F
5. Press Ctrl+V then hit enter
6. The answer will show below the question.
Display all employees whose job id contains the word 'ACCOUNT'.